If I can receive the super power like Spider man, I will decide to
receive the power that can change my body whatever what I want.
I guess this
superpower will be efficient and useful, because many other organisms such as
human being are very easy to conceit themselves based on other people’s
appearance. Specifically, like human being, which organism think and deepening
their mind can easily daze by outer looking. But this power have one serious
disadvantage, nobody will trust me in whatever or what kind of appearance I
have. When if I can change my appearance, mean I lost my personal identity.
Every living organism has their own identity, however when I start copycatting
that identity, it will not same as the one before.
My identity will ambiguous.
However, we have another advantage about it. If I can change my appearance
permanently, lastingly, I am immortal. If I want to change myself as young
baby, I can leave more than old grandfather is his cane. If I want to change
the gender, it will be easier than what normal people going through.
Doppelganger can be best example for that kind of situation. If I face my host,
either host or I need to die. Exactly same living thing should not live under
same place. Which can be most harsh and cruel rule for me and it will limit my
ability. If the power has limitless, it will be horrible for other people
innocence people. However is very attractive opportunity for me to conjugate my
limitless power against world that with no power. I can be you or your parent
or your friend or your enemy. Another big important advantage for me is that if
I find out other people also have unbelievable super power; I can simply copy
that person’s identities. It will lead me to have
various powers. I will live eternal and have power that can lead me to ruin.
But this power is so strong and effective that many people want to obey it.
That can be new religion based on my teaching and my personal philosophical
idea. God will blame himself about giving this superpower to me. I will
superior to every single living organisms, I can become a God of new world, I
mean this much power can make new world. If I go to all Christian with
appearance of Jesus, I can make more believers to believe my religion,
even other kind of religion. Some of people will envy me and jealous me but
that kind of small non-power group will slowly decomposed by time going. It
could be total dominance for the world and it will be one of the biggest historical
events ever in human being’s history. And I also can achieve my one of my old
nonsense dream, conquest of the earth. But I don’t have my own identity,
means I do not exist. If I have overwhelming amount of believers and followers,
I lost my identity since I receive this nonsense, attractive and ambitious