children lost their time to talk with parents or parent addicted to television and don't take care about the children. Also electromagnetic wave also effect the bod badly. it can give you disease and mental disorder. however, without television, the world will slow and boring, you need to read newspaper everyday for new news and visual effect is more easier to understand than just reading and minimum photos. Television become one of the biggest part of our life. The technology develop lead the better scale of television and also more information exchange quickly.'
New media come out quickly and changing their trend. More and more people want television and telephone. It evolve smaller and lighter.people want better equipment and want to be better than others own. they want different than other people and better. is pretty normal and that kind of desire make world develop faster. ok lets talk about telephone, telephone, in these days many people call as smart phone because it is so over useful than what one person needed. smartphone has too many utilities that can make the costumer attractive. many smart phone has overwhelm spec which mean, their cost is running over the
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