2013년 10월 3일 목요일

My bucket list

My bucket list will bit longer than other people’s one. Because I strongly believe that I am ambitious than any people you ever saw. When the person become ambitious, person will need more than what they have. And now let me introduce my bucket list. It will be ambitious and plotted thing you ever seen. My first one on my bucket list is space travel. Of course I have a plan. Before I go to the space, I need to make sure that I have a right body to go through the force. When the space ship passes the atmosphere, our body suffers tons of gravity, which can lead us to death. 

Before you travel to the space, you need to test your body that can endure on that much gravity while the space ship go through the atmosphere to zero-gravity place, what we call space. When your body reaches to the space, you can feel your body light. And you can float around the space ship. As a human being, most important thing is food, shelter and warmness. You have space ship for shelter and warmness, however food supplies, it is limited. You need to come back to earth anyways for food supplies. If you prepare enough food, it will be long and fun travel. Let’s talk about another bucket list. I had a lot when I was young; however this hard and fast society cut my bucket list. Every time people said impossible about my bucket list. They act different than my definition of impossible. So 2nd thing on my bucket list is make people don’t scared about thing that they saying impossible. There are many way to face the impossible things, however that impossible thing came to me, when I suffering bad time. Some of the people who have disadvantages win that handicap, become like a hero. People who have two legs run 100m in 12 second, is not impressive. 
But person without one leg run 100m in 15seconds is really impressive. Person who has lacking of intelligence go to university. This thing will also impressive. When the person wins their disadvantage, they shine more than normal people. So the person like us have higher doorstep to go over. Let’s see who praise as success and wealth is. Ok, Bill Gates is one of the examples. He is rich and many people follow him. His donation helped African a lot. He make 100 dollar every second, and he spend that money not only for himself, for everyone around the earth. He is famous and bright, we saying he developed the 21st century. I also believe that, because personal computer is a really innovative idea. One family one computer, his slogan worked and makes him rich and successful. I want to be like him; many people follow him and believe what he doing. We the people always see front, not a far future. Many people living just for tomorrow. Not for far future. And I was one of them, but now I will change myself. This is my second thing in my list. When I successfully travel the space and become a trustful person. I think that will be most happy.

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