2013년 8월 29일 목요일

Deadly sins

Today I will write journal about the 7 main sins. First one is Lust, is the desire of sexual things such as love and sex. In my opinion, lust is on of the most attractive and strong sin. If you are man kind, lust will hurt your future anyways. You can not live without other gender. Second deadly sin is gluttony, which symbolize the desire of eating stuff, it will hurt your health also your life, heavy body, heavy life. Next deadly sin is greed. Most of people and all of animal have greed about everything what they want.
This sin can occur violence such as fight or war. It can be most destructive sin. Next sin is sloth, which closely related with gluttony, which make you feel lazy about everything, it can call as sin of degeneration, laziness keep slow the development, if we were sloth for rest of our life, we will stay as primitive life. Next sin is wrath, which sin make you loose mind and make your emotion sensitive and fragile, it can be destructive, not much as greed. Wrath is the same as rage, it can help you for reach the goal,
however it will need a lot of sacrifice. Next one is envy, envy is one of the most biggest reason of breaking relationship such as couple of male and female, or friendship, trust and believes. Trait could be right word for envy, also it described as sorrow of the another's good, jealous. Last sin would be pride, it is really positive word , however when it overwhelm, it can lead you to reasonless rage and make you ruin. Pride could be describe as self love, love your self so much make an unstoppable pride that will lead you fallen.

Each picture show how sins are imagine. They are scary but we need them, they are such a dangerous but is recommanded as a human being. We need greed for feel pride from other people and you can get gluttony and lust from it, many people will envy you and try to ruin you. and sometimes you need sloth for short break, The seven sins are always inside of human and always try to take over our body. Make your self mind clear and try to win against this deadly seven sins, you can capture your success when you win all of those sins.

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